Prophetic word of insight: this morning I was reading Ephesians chapter five. "Now, as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything." This whole chapter is an allegory of Christ's love for the church, His bride and how we are preparing our hearts, as a bride, to join him in the marriage supper of the lamb, after the rapture. So, even those of us who aren't married, Jesus is our husband. He is our best friend and the lover of our soul. As I read this chapter and this verse, it made me think of how Jesus is my everything and everything that I am, is His. And then I had this revelation, that of course we would want to give Jesus everything, because everything he touches, he makes whole. Anything we withhold from submitting to him is in a place of lostness. And so I began to pray, 'I give you everything Jesus! My past my present my future. My phone, my laptop, my entertainment, my mind, my career, my provision, my family, my friends, my hometown, my current town, my apartment, my body, my spirit, my mind, my sleep, my relationships, my prayer life, my thought life, my goals, my dreams, my hopes, my heart, my everything.'