Accupy the rooms
I recently had a dream that I was inside a house. It was a lovely house where many rooms were darkened and unused. I entered a middle space between the kitchen and living room, where a piano and a music stand stood. The dream signifies that God wants us to inhabit the place of worship. I got the sense from this dream that there are gifts, talents, and desires that we have given up on because we thought that God wouldn't do it. We feel this way because it's been so long since we have wanted these dreams to happen. So, we shut the lights off in the room, and we didn't visit that room at all. I encourage you to inhabit the abode of life you have forsaken and turned the lights off inside. I have faith that as we do this, we will overcome depression and find more joy. It does not mean that what we have been praying for suddenly happens. It simply means that we will be faithful to use that room. John 14:2-4 says that God has prepared a house for us with many rooms. Which rooms have you darkened that you need to go in and turn the light on and reinhabit?