Pain + Pride = Sin, Pain + Humility = Healing.
I heard the Lord whisper this in my ear today. It is so profound that I took a deep breath and realized a truth that many of us search our whole lives trying to find. It is a human response to trauma and pain, to cover it up with pride. When we go through abuse, or betrayal that bring shame into our lives, it is so tempting to show the world that you're better than all of it. And that is what creates false identities in your life. Humility brings us to the cross of Christ, where we can be healed and forgiven. It is so much more freeing to die to your ego and admit your weakness before God and man. Believe me, it's incredibly refreshing to let the mask fall and simply be what you are. There is no wound that the stripes Jesus endured cannot heal. But, it takes humility to even admit that we need healing. Humble yourself before the Lord and admit where you need healing. Humble yourself and ask for forgiveness where pain has caused you to sin. I believe one of the most important aspects of being a Christian is having good character, being someone who is kind and authentic. As the Bible says, truth without love is just a clanging gong. We can know a lot about the Bible and go to church and still not be reflecting the character of Christ in the way that we treat people. So, take some time, examine your heart, and bring your shortcomings into the open. But most of all endeavor that you will be a person of integrity and kindness. Because this is truly how we show the heart of Christ in the world around us.